ICCI has been certifying professional practice since 1994. It is the world’s only independent, competency-based, not-for-profit certifying body. It has a 5-star quality assurance system:
- Qualifications
- Porfessional experience & practice
- Accredited
- Certified
- Currency of prcatice & certifications
ICCI is different because it:
- Establishes the competencies and standards of professionalism for career and talent development providers.
- Engages independent, volunteer professional leaders to review and assess professional portfolios submitted for certification.
- Reviews and assesses evidence including 3rd party validation of the evidence provided
- Ensures that individuals and organizations are qualified to deliver the services they provide; provide validated evidence of their competencies; are continually updating and learning of professional practice; are professionally networked; and meet the ethical standards for the profession.
Criteria for ICCI certification
ICCI certifies practitioners and organizations which can demonstrate exemplary practice. Certification is based upon review of a portfolio of evidence demonstrating how the applicant meets the requirements of the certification level sought. Evidence is drawn from current practice and should carry a 3rd party validation (reference, testimonial, certificate).
There are 4 Levels of Certification. Each level based on professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement. Qualifications, years of experience, and leadership also determine the certification level. Career Advocates (CA) deliver services as directed and generally have limited formal qualifications. Career Management Associates (CMA) are at the beginning of their career in Career Management and are offered mentoring to help them develop their practice to Career Management Professional (CMP) level. Career Management Fellows (CMF) are thought leaders and are recognized for the leadership that they provide for the profession.
Ethical standards of Certified Career Management Professionals are exacting and help protect the public and the consumer.
ICCI certification provides professional quality assurance
Clients are entitled to have access to independence, not for profit quality assurance. ICCI is the only international competency-based, independent certification body. ICCI professional standards are exemplary and the review process rigorous.
Clients can be confident that an ICCI certified professional can deliver world class services. Look for the ICCI logo
Qualifications and accreditation do not indicate how well the professional delivers services. Qualifications and accreditation give authority to practice. ICCI certification certifies quality, ethical practice.
Qualification, Accreditation & Certification
ICCI 5-star certification (Ticking all Boxes)
ICCI guarantees that the ICCI certified professional is:
- QUALIFIED to deliver the services offered
- EXPERIENCED and has an ETHICAL practice
- ACCREDITED by a relevant Professional Association
- CERTIFIED by independent experts that the service they deliver is competent, ethical and world class.
- CURRENCY. The professional has engaged in continual professional development and RE-CERTIFIED
ICCI Governance
ICCI is led by an international Board of Governors, each of whom is recognized as a thought leader in the Talent and Career Management field. The Board of Governors is supported by a Global Council and the Application Review Division (ARD).
The Global Council meets quarterly and provides current intelligence for the Board decision making. The Global Councillors have an ambassadorial role and are thought leaders within their continent. Each continent has a member on the Global Council.
Reviewers are also thought leaders, each certified as Career Management Fellow. Their role is to review an application and recommend to the Board of Governors certification when the applicant demonstrates they meet the competencies for the level sought.